
Chair Yoga


Yes, You Can! - Chair Yoga Is Gentle and

Beneficial For Your Mind and Body.


Chair Yoga allows you to modify your yoga practice based on your health, your mobility, and your

current ability level. It can be practiced by anyone at any age who wants to enjoy the benefits of yoga

and who may (or may not) have mobility issues. I have taught seniors ranging from 55-100 years old. 


Chair Yoga is also great for anyone who needs more support in managing an injury or wants a

more therapeutic approach to their practice.  Office workers can also take advantage of Chair Yoga's

adaptations to do stretches at work to help relieve the tension in their shoulders and neck.


Chair Yoga Benefits


Gain Flexibility and Strength

Improves Your Posture

Decreases Stress and Anxiety

Improve Your Quality of Life

Increases Muscle Tone

Supports Joint Health

Fosters Mental Calmness

Increases Your Blood Flow

Gives You Inner Strength


Grab a Chair and Let's Do This Together!!


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